My sister and her two kids came down from the country for a sleep over last night. In between entertaining & feeding 5 kids under nine we managed to do a photo shoot of ebay items to sell and also of my new scarves to go on madeit. I was very excited to find out today that I can have a stall at the Daylesford Makers Market on November 6th (yes this Saturday) and the Sisters' market at St.Kilda Town Hall on December 11th - it should be a very busy market just before Christmas!!! My head is spinning just thinking about how many scarves I need to get made for my five upcoming markets!!!
I do love my birds.....
And this Liberty is fab!!! A birdseye view map...
When the kids were finally all in bed and quiet we peeped into my daughter's room to find her snuggled up with her younger cousin in the same sleeping bag - too cute!!!!
The visitors have now left and everybody is a little tired. I have a very busy date with my friend the Pfaff tomorrow!!!!